MX30 Rapid Change Adjustable Dumbbells (7.5-30lbs) - Pair
NEW 2021 Blacked Out Series
Replaces over 1,200 lbs of regular dumbbells with our Microload / Offset settings.
The MX55 Rapid Change Dumbbell System features our unique MX Select patented rack & pinion selection system: compact size, balanced feel and totally secure.
With the MX55 Dumbbell cradled you select the weight from 10-55 lbs (4.5-24.9 kg) at the turn of a dial. The selected weight level is locked into place as soon as the selector dial is pushed home.
10 standard Weight Settings: **10lbs, 15lbs, 20lbs, 25lbs, 30lbs, 35lbs, 40lbs, 45lbs, 50lbs and 55lbs.
Do you offset?
Each of the patented weight plates on the MX55 weigh 2.5lbs. Adjust one of the dials +/- one click to offset the weight and Micro Load your workouts.
Off set Weights settings add **12.5lbs, 17.5lbs, 22.5lbs, 27.5lbs, 32.5lbs, 37.5lbs, 42.5lbs, 47.5lbs, and 52.5lbs.
For a total of 19 weight settings and over 1,200 lbs worth of individual dumbbell sets.
The MX55 are Faster and more Versatile than any Pro Style Dumbbell in its class.
New Dial Decals Included with every MX Select Dumbbell and Barbell order.
The MX Select antimicrobial contoured handle offers surface protection against bacteria, mold & mildew, and other hazardous microbes.
One pair of MX55 Dumbbells replaces a 10-pair dumbbell set (off set the weights and get 19 different weight combinations), taking up only one-tenth of the space. Safe, convenient, accurate and space-efficient, the MX55 Rapid Change Dumbbell System is a perfect addition to any home workout area.
The optional MX Dumbbell Stand elevates the Dumbbells to provide the sleek look of a professional training studio.
There is also an optional MX Select Adjustable Training Bench to further enhance your training space.